Friday, January 14, 2011

Who are my Heros?

Most people have lots of stories about bad service they have received during their life and most people have a story or two about a great service experience.  Until recently my best and only good story was about 30 years old until I came across two individuals on a dark and cold highway on an isolated strip of Arkansas highway.

As an owner of a small company, Infinity Signs, my Graphics Designer and I were on a mission from our home base in Dallas, Texas to Memphis, Tennessee to pick-up a large ink-jet printer.  This printer required a large enclosed trailer to transport.  Normally it takes no more than 8 hours to get to Memphis but because of an icy winter storm the trip took 18 plus hours.  We were tired cold and more than a little frustrated when things got much worse.  We had just picked-up the printer and were headed back to Dallas when we passed Forrest City, Arkansas when I noticed the volt meter dropping to the red zone.  Soon all the power in the dash went down.  I called my partner and spouse on the cell phone whom managed to get a hold of Eric Yons and Alavin White (Eric on the left and Alvin on the right) who checked their inventory for a 2005 F150 alternator and volunteered to install it at their Autozone store in Forrest City.  A quick u-turn put us in the right direction but soon after the truck died and we were stuck on the side of the road.  Understand, it was getting dark, the temps were in the mid 20's, no light and we were 15 miles from no where.  A quick call back to Eric at Autozone and they insisted on coming out to the rescue which is exactly what they did.  They arrived with an alternator and a fresh battery installed the new parts and we were on our way to their store to settle up.  The price was more than reasonable.  Bottom line, these guys are our heroes and I will never buy an auto part anywhere except Autozone.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.... 

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